What we are planning...

The first four books are to be released simultaneously, the 5th and subsequent books; semi-annually. All cross-compatible.

∞Full Runequest Myriad Realms Player / DM Game Reference Guide, with basic rules, races, monsters, skills, spells, with a sample mod and a sample cult; able to be played stand-alone much like the original RQ.

Runequest Myriad Realms Arcane Magick Tome with all new Magick / Summoning Systems. literally thousands of new spells and magic items.


Runequest Myriad Realms Hi Tech Survival Guide: All new psionics system, all new martial arts combat system, hi-tech weapons and gear, super powers, mutations, and what happens when you cross over into arcane worlds...

Runequest Myriad Realms Cultures and Cults Volume I: Humanoids of the Fourth Age: New items, cults, races, monsters and modules from the new worlds, ripe to be discovered and conquered; assimilated into your game.

Runequest Myriad Realms Cultures and Cults Volume II: Villains, Vampires, and Vixens. New unholy items, evil cults, races, monsters and modules from even more new worlds, ripe to be discovered and conquered; assimilated into your game.







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